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processed vegetable中文是什么意思

用"processed vegetable"造句"processed vegetable"怎么读"processed vegetable" in a sentence


  • 加工蔬菜


  • Ontario processing vegetable growers
  • In 2006 , japan imported fresh and processed vegetables worth about 228 billion yen from china , such as leeks , garlic , satoimo taro roots and shiitake mushrooms , according to japan external trade organization
    根据日本贸易振兴会提供的统计数据, 2006年日本从中国进口了价值约2280亿日元的韭菜、大蒜、芋头和香菇等新鲜和加工的蔬菜。
  • When talking about those training , ms . jin said excitedly in her letter : in the past , we used to process vegetable shaulu for a trade company which exports the products to japan . with sole type of product and marketing channel , our company greatly suffers from the changing market , even the slightest change will affect us a lot , and sometimes we are even on the edge of bankrupt
    谈到这几次培训,金总在信中激动的说: “我们企业以前一直是为贸易公司加工生产出口日本的蔬菜山露,产品单一,只有一个销售渠道,出口贸易上稍有风吹草动,我们企业日子就难过,甚至濒于倒闭。
用"processed vegetable"造句  


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